
2. Among the Sleep

Climb onto the long drawer, turn left, and follow it along. You'll have to climb over a platform sticking out over the drawer midway across. At the far end, ...

Among the Sleep

Full game walkthrough for all 10 Achievements in Among the Sleep - Enhanced Edition. It should take between 1 and 2 hours to complete.

Among The Sleep Walkthrough Nightmare

2021年9月15日 — This Among The Sleep walkthrough is divided into 6 total pages. 1 - Prologue. 2 - Nightmare - Home. 3 - The Playground.

Guide :

2015年3月12日 — After being placed back in your crib, turn around and point towards the beach ball behind you. Press and hold RB then remove the ball from the tunnel and crawl ...


Climbontothelongdrawer,turnleft,andfollowitalong.You'llhavetoclimboveraplatformstickingoutoverthedrawermidwayacross.Atthefarend, ...,Fullgamewalkthroughforall10AchievementsinAmongtheSleep-EnhancedEdition.Itshouldtakebetween1and2hourstocomplete.,2021年9月15日—ThisAmongTheSleepwalkthroughisdividedinto6totalpages.1-Prologue.2-Nightmare-Home.3-ThePlayground.,2015年3月12日—Afterbeingplacedbackinyou...